

Is onvoorwaardelike liefde in ‘n huwelik moontlik?

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Liefde is alles behalwe `n blote gevoel. Liefde is `n keuse, dit is `n besluit wat jy elke dag opnuut moet neem, veral wanneer dit swaar gaan! Liefde is` n werkwoord! Anders as verliefdheid, is liefde nie `n “toestand” waaraan ons uitgelewer is nie. Wanneer ons verlief is, is die wêreld `n pragtige plek, daardie persoon is die “beste ding wat ooit met ons kon gebeur”, hy het geen foute nie en sal ook nooit hê nie.

The Seductive Nature of Bullying in Couples Relationships

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Now for the interesting question regarding bullying: why is it that a certain behavior, such as bullying, will happen over and over again and is hard to quit even though the consequences are by far more negative than positive? Even the bully knows this and often regrets his or her behavior in retrospect. 

The word bullying seems to fit better with a playground incident between school children than it would in a conflict situation between two adults who perceive themselves to be in a loving relationship. 
However, if we understand what it means to bully, maybe we can make more sense of certain relationship patterns which often become destructive for the individuals involved and their relationship. 

Terapie met diere: Die waarde van ‘n terapie hondjie – Mojo in die speelkamer

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Mojo is nie net my hond nie, Mojo is ook my assistent terapeut. Ek sien hoe die lig weer in kinders se ogies terugkom wanneer hulle hom sien, rond jaag en vashou. Ek is gelukkig dat Mojo ‘n natuurlike goeie terapiehondjie is. Hy geniet die kinders net so baie soos wat hulle hom geniet. Ek, die kind en Mojo vorm ‘n spannetjie: ‘n spannetjie wat lag, wat leer en wat ontwikkel.

Wanneer jou kind afgeknou word

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Ouers kom sien my gereeld met die kommer dat hulle kinders afgeknou word. Afknouery is ongelukkig ‘n groot probleem in ons samelewewing en dit word net erger. Die afknouery vind gewoonlik by die kind se skool plaas wat dit soms moeilik maak om aan te spreek. Dit is baie moeilik vir die ouers en ook vir die kinders om te hanteer. Hulle voel gewoonlik hulpeloos en magteloos om die afknouery te stop en talle ouers weet nie watter kant toe om te gaan nie. Met hierdie artikel wil ek graag vir ouers ‘n paar riglyne gee wat gevolg kan word ten einde die situasie beter te kan hanteer.

The Chronic Anger Cycle in Couple’s Relationships

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Once the relationship is stuck in the chronic anger cycle partners dig their heels in the ground and struggle to listen and understand each other because each partner is consumed with his or her own pain and discomfort due to experiencing a lack of understanding and personal value in the relationship. It is difficult to support others when you experience living life in crisis mode.

Introduction – Forgiveness Series

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One of the biggest mistakes we as individuals make in relationships is that we often fail to realise that the person we are involved with is a human being; and therefore an imperfect creature. We have such high expectations of married life and of our life partners in particular; that it often doesn't even take much to disappoint us. We often forget that, we ourselves are; in actual fact; imperfect creatures as well. If I look back over my life, the mistakes that I've made are plentiful indeed! It is therefore not a question of what to do IF one of you disappoints or hurts the other one… it's a question of how to handle the situation WHEN it happens.

Do’s and don’ts during divorce with regards to your children

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The number of marriages that ends in divorce has increased rapidly together with the trauma that it creates for all the parties involved. When children are involved during a divorce, it becomes allot more complicated. How do we tell them? When do we tell them? Where are they going to stay? Do they have to change schools? A lot of planning needs to go into minimizing the traumatic impact that divorce will have on your children. During this article I will list some do's and don'ts regarding the handling of divorce with your children. 

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