

The Importance of Attachment – a must read for every parent

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By making sure that you have a secure attachment with your child, you will help him learn that he is okay, worthy and good enough (at the very least). That you as his parents are trustworthy and that the world is a safe place that can be explored confidently. Most importantly, not only will you be giving your child a head start in life personally, but also interpersonally; when it comes to all his future relationships.

Getting divorced; but what about the kids?

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Once a partner (the divorce initiator) informs the other partner that he or she wants a divorce the first thing they do; or the first advice they receive, is to get themselves a lawyer who can take care of the situation. Whilst it is not wrong to get a lawyer to represent you, there are other options to keep in mind. Many people are not knowledgeable about the law, especially the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 which provides guidelines as to how to go about a divorce when children are involved.

Verhoudings verg harde werk

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‘n Verhouding bestaan uit twee diverse indivdue. Elkeen het ‘n unieke stel verwagtinge, unieke lewensuitkyke, unieke behoeftes en agtergronde. My idee van “hoe ‘n vrou behoort te wees en hoe ‘n man behoort te wees” word beinvloed deur my agtergrond, my voorbeelde, my keuses en my ervaringsleer. Al trou twee mense van baie enerse agtergronde met mekaar, is die klein verskille wat daar wel bestaan, steeds meer as voldoende om groot probleme te kan veroorsaak. En nou plaas ons hierdie twee, unieke mense onder een dak en ons sê “wees nou gelukkig” – dit is nie net so eenvoudig nie.

Hoe om meer romanties te wees

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Geen twee mense is presies dieselfde nie en daarom is dit ook so dat wat jy as romanties beskou, dalk mag verskil van wat jou vriendin as romanties ag. Dieselfde geld ook vir die verskille in behoeftes en verwagtinge van verskillende verhoudings/paartjies. Ek glo vas dat elke paartjie oor tyd hul eie romanse-definisie vir hul verhouding kan saamstel.


The role grandparents play in a child’s life

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Especially in the teen years, the last person a child might like to turn to is the parents, and here a grandparent could be a shoulder to cry on, and the comfort here for parents is that the person your child turns to is usually someone you trust with regards to morals and values. Also because grandparents tend to not be as busy and rushed as parents are now a days; it’s a great place to truly get some quality attention. In short it’s an additional safe place for your child to turn to.

Ons huwelik en die verskillende fases van die lewe

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Nie net dit nie, maar ons word bombardeer met Facebook-verhoudings. Foto’s van heerlike vakansies, lekker oomblikke saam, oë wat blink en brëe, gelukkige glimlagte, vul sosiale media op ‘n uurlikse basis. Hierdie bombardering skep by meeste mense ‘n totale vals persepsie van hoe huwelike werk en hoe “gelukkig” almal om hulle is. Daar is ‘n algemene tendens tussen meeste mense om hulself, hul verhoudinge en hul lewens te vergelyk met die brokkies inligiting en gedokterde foto’s op sosiale media. Die afleiding of gevolgtrekking wat dan hier gemaak word is dat daar fout is met hulle as paartjie. Die feit dat, dit ‘n split sekonde verg om ‘n foto te neem en dat meeste mense baie maklik, baie fake kan glimlag vir daardie split sekonde, word hoegenaamd nie in ag geneem nie; dis makliker om die valse prentjie wat geskep word as die waarheid te aanvaar.

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