Can I spoil my child with love?
Although your child will have their own unique love language they need a little bit of all the five languages. Hold and kiss your child, tell them that you love them and that you are proud of them, spend time playing and being with them, help them with tasks and top it off with a nice little gift.
Tips for creating a successful marriage
Being married and a mom of two, I have first-hand experience in how difficult it is to make time for you and your partner to just connect. One of the big challenges couples have is time. My advice to couples is to really try and get into the habit of having, at the very least, two hours a week for just the two of you – without the kids! And make sure that the time you spent together is worth it! That brings me to the next tip;
Invloed van maats op my kind
Die grootste gedeelte van sosialisering geskied gewoonlik by jou kind se skool waar hy met ander kinders in kontak tree. Met hierdie artikel wil ek graag praat oor jou kind se sosiale ontwikkeling en die belangrikheid van maats in jou kind se lewe.
The Value in Original Play
We are so busy, we are so focused and driven to provide for our children’s future that we forget that our biggest and easiest contribution to our kids is the love we give, right here and right now…
And no; you are not too old for this; Original Play has no age guidelines – everyone can “Play”, regardless of your age. In Original Play, there are no human-imposed categories; such as male or female, big or small, young or old.
Help! I think my child is being abused!
A forensic investigation and assessment will assist your child to make a more comprehensive disclosure in a way that is safe for your child but that will also hold up to scrutiny if this information has to go to court. This professional will also be able to advise you about the next steps and procedures. It is a very difficult road but your child can get through this with your help emotional support and commitment to their well-being.
At Vita Nova we have the expertise and the right services to guide you through it all.
Why Premarital Counselling and what is discussed
During premarital counselling; we teach you a very practically applicable tool set or skill set, that you can use to navigate your relationship to the best of your ability.
So pre-marital counselling will help you discuss the things that could be issues in your relationship at one point or another – no such thing as the perfect relationship- and get you guys on the same page from the start.
Most of the couples we see; say that problems started slowly at around 2 years after marriage, and just increased as time went by. A big problem is our expectations of our partners and our marriage/relationship. We have this beautiful, perfect picture in our minds of what married life is going to be like, what our partners are going to be like, and as married life continues, reality starts intruding into this fantasy world and disappointment, confusion, doubt; all are plenty full.
Emotional needs – the start to a healthier and happier you
We all have emotional, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual needs. Because all of us were uniquely and wonderfully made, our needs will differ. This difference in needs can make some relationships more difficult.
Wat is die “ROL” van oupas en oumas in ‘n kind se lewe – kan ons die rol definieer?
Elke familie bestaan uit n sisteem waar gedragsgewoontes en verhoudingspatrone al vir jare en generasies op n sekere manier funksioneer. Wat die een generasie leer word aan die volgende generasie oorgedra. Dit is dus baie moeilik om n baie spesifieke en beperkte rol vir oupas en oumas te definieer. Party families is emosioneel baie geheg aan mekaar en daar is patrone waar nabyheid en daaglikse hulp aan die orde van die dag is. Ander families of grootfamilies verkies weer meer afstand en fokus veral om elkeen spasie te gee om hom of haarself uit te leef. Dan kom die individuele faktore ook nog by waar elke familielid sy of haar persoonlikheid en styl van verhoudings handhaaf.
Goeie gesinsgewoontes – wenke vir jou gesin vir 2015
Alle gesinne het hulle eie tradisies wat hulle spesiaal maak. Om die nuwe jaar te begin wil ek graag ‘n paar van hierdie tradisies en gewoontes bespreek wat 2015 saam met jou gesin spesiaal kan maak. Probeer om van hierdie gewoontes ‘n daaglikste deel van jou gesinslewe te maak.
Dealing with toxic relatives over the holidays
We need to recharge and re-energise and fill up, so that we can soldier on again when the time comes. But what if you are holidaying with family members…this in itself could offer up some challenges. But now, let’s add to that; toxic family members!? What do you do and how do you handle it!?