

Understanding and Addressing Self-Harm in Teenagers: A Guide for Parents and Educators

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Self-harm has become a very serious issue, which has in recent years become increasingly prevalent amongst teenagers around the world. Self-harm or injury is a form of “coping” that involves methods of inflicting physical injury on oneself like cutting, burning, or hitting, to try and cope or deal with overwhelming feelings of emotional pain and stress. Self-harm can however have profound consequences and can likely lead to long term physical and emotional issues.

Understanding Love Languages in Relationships and Family Dynamics

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The Five Love Languages are categorised as acts of service, quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation and gift receiving. We each have a primary love language, which represents our preferred way of experiencing and expressing love. It is important to understand that everyone has a unique love language combination and that this can vary between individuals and relationships.

The True Pandemic: Silent Voices in Mental Health

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Why do we downplay the fact that men also struggle with their mental health? Or is it because we are so accustomed to men being strong leaders and role models, being tough and not showing any emotion, because ‘boys don’t cry’, right? Why do we put so much emphasis on mental health being something that only women experience, meanwhile men are suffering in silence.

Boundaries – What you should know

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A boundary is the rules and limits that you create within various relationships and contexts. These are a list of things that you either accept or don’t, to help you create relationships where you feel respect and comfort.  To create boundaries, you will have to explore and know your values. Your values are the key guide to creating boundaries so it is imperative to know your core values before embarking on this journey.

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