Quality Time in a Relationship – By Tondani Mukhanu
“Quality time” is an informal reference to time spent with loved ones; such as close family, partners or friends that is in some way important, special, productive or profitable. It is time that is set aside for undivided attention to people that we love, in this case more specifically our partners. Quality time may also refer to time spent performing some favorite activities.
Afknouery: Wat kan jy doen wanneer jou kind die boelie is?
Ek hanteer gereeld ouers wat deur onderwysers gebel word met probleme oor hulle kinders. Dit is gewoontlik vir die ouers baie sleg wanneer hulle kinders gereeld in die moeilikheid by die skool is. Sommige ouers voel onmiddelik skuldig en hulle voel dat hulle slegte ouers is. Wanneer die ouers direk geblameer word vir die kind se negatiewe gedrag, neig die ouers om minder positief te reageer. Wanneer die situasie sensitief deur die skool hanteer word en die ouers nie voel dat hulle blameer word nie, reageer hulle gewoontlik beter. Wat is egter toepaslike maniere om hierdie kwessie aan te spreek?
Wat is spelterapie met kinders?
“Wat is ‘n spelterapeut? Help jy kinders met spelling?” is vragies wat ek gereeld in my praktyk (in Pretoria Oos) hoor. Die konsep van spel kan verwarrend wees vir ouers en met hierdie artikel wil ek poog om spelterapie, asook die terapeutiese proses wat ek met kinders volg te bespreek. Ek sal ook die verskil tussen spelterapie, arbeidsterapie en spraakterapie uitlig.
Questions to answer with regards to needs being met in a relationship
We enter into a relationship with the hope, the idea and the expectation that this other person will – without fail – be the answer to all our prayers. He/she will miraculously be able to meet any and every need of ours, as and when it arises. The problem is your partner enters this relationship with the same expectations of you, but with his/her own unique set of needs. What we end up with in effect – is almost a situation of 2 people sitting around waiting for the other person to fulfill all their needs, waiting for the other one to start making them happy…
Routine in the family: A necessity in the development of young children
As individuals some of us don’t like routine and find it boring and predictable. Children however need the predictability and safety that a routine provides. It is an important part in the development of your child, even if you, as a parent, don’t like routine. I remember as a child my mother often forgot to pick us up from school.
Dealing with death in the family
Be wary of the information you give. When someone dies, don't for example say; Granny went to sleep. The child might be scared of going to sleep or fearful of Mommy and Daddy not waking up again. When someone died in hospital, make sure that the child understands that it's not the going to hospital that is the cause of this person never returning, it's the being so ill that no one was able to help.
Wat moet ek van my baba se ontwikkeling weet? – Artikel 1
In my praktyk kry ek gereeld vrae van ouers rakende hulle kinders se ontwikkeling. Ouers stel belang daarin om te weet wat om van hulle kinders te verwag en verkeerde inligting kan beide die ouers en die kinders se ontwikkeling benadeel. Met hierdie reeks artikels wil ek graag vir ouers goed nagevorsde inligting gee ten einde hulle vrae te beantwoord en hul by te staan in die verstaan van hul kinders.
What is Sincere Forgiveness – Article 1
Everyone at many different points in their lives, will either have to ask forgiveness or be in a position where they have to decide whether or not to forgive. If you think back through the week that has passed; chances are that you found yourself on either sides of the coin on several different occasions. And because we understand all too well what it's like to be in need of forgiveness, it could be assumed that forgiving someone else should come quite easily…right?
When your child is the bully, the one branded “naughty”
Often, though, we find that parents seem to be very loving and attentive caregivers, but still have a child who acts out at school; in this case the behavior could be an indication of something else being wrong; be it trauma or something that upsets or frustrates the child – children often don’t have the same verbal capability in expressing emotions the we as adults are supposed to have, so they will act it out, rather than verbally tell you that something is wrong
Wat is die effek van erotiese materiaal op n paartjie se sekslewe?
Die vrouens voel mans het net seks op die brein, maak nie saak of hulle n ontsaglike argument gehad het vroeer die dag nie, vanaand sal manlief sy “luck probeer”. Mans voel weer hulle loop op eiers en moet heeltyd die “water toets” – is dit nou okay vanaand of nie. En omdat hulle gehoor het dat vrouens nie soos n ligskakelaar net aan skakel nie, probeer hulle sommer al die onderwerp vroegoggend aanspreek om sodoende hopenlik teen vanaand die skakelaar al so semi aan te hê