Is Huweliksberading Die Moeite Werd?
As jul albei hierdie huwelik wil red en wil omskep in die verhouding wat jul albei ingedagte gehad het toe julle voor die kansel gestaan het, kan huweliksberading van groot waarde wees.
Does Marriage Counseling Work?
You are past the point of being in trouble, your relationship is on the rocks and you both know it. Sure you might have flirted with the idea of attending marriage counselling, but the question that is haunting you is; does marriage counselling actually work or is it a huge waste of time and money?
Die belangrikheid van ‘n goeie selfbeeld in kinders
Kinders word ongelukkig nie met ‘n goeie selfbeeld gebore nie en talle aspekte kan die ontwikkeling van ‘n goeie selfbeeld in kinders benadeel. Dit is grootliks die taak van die ouers om ‘n goeie selfbeeld in kinders te bou. Soos kinders egter ouer raak, speel ander persone soos onderwysers en maats ook 'n rol in selfbeeld ontwikkeling. Hierdie aspekte is moeilik vir ouers om te beheer, maar indien ouers reeds 'n positiewe selfbeeld in hul kinders ontwikkel het, sal dit vir kinders makliker wees om negatiewe aspekte van buite positief te hanteer.
When a relationship ends
One day you can imagine moving on, the next you are angry at everyone, yourself included, the next day you can’t stop crying. This is normal – every person grieves differently. It’s important to note as well, that you can’t really stick to a time line here. How long does it take to “get over someone?”… It takes as long as it takes.
Laughter: the best medicine for my relationship?
Humour helps us cope. They refer to Victor Frankl as an example and explain how he describes his experience in the concentration camps during the Second World War and their dependence on humour to help them cope from one day to the next; in his book “Man’s search for meaning”. Drs Parrot suggests that we as couples find something to laugh about together at least once a day.
They are most definitely not the only ones who suggest laughing together as a way of strengthening relationships. Dr Harville Hendrix, the author of “Getting the love you want”, suggest that couples focus on incorporating a child-like fun element into their lives, at least once a week; and I quote: “this exercise is designed to intensify your emotional bond and deepen your feelings of safety and pleasure”.
Physical needs – your body, physical touch and your emotions
When it comes to our physical needs, I am going to differentiate between our body’s physical- and health needs, our need for physical touch and also the role that emotions can play when it comes to the body. When we look at needs, we can distinguish between fore- and background needs. Your foreground need is your immediate need, for example hunger. When you’re foreground need is not met, your other needs will stay at the background, creating problems. Physical needs are often foreground needs and thus it’s very important to be aware them.
Your physical body- and health needs are very important.
To Spank or not to spank…that is the question…
Some books say, a firm hand when they are young, makes it easier when they are older, other books say, don’t crush their little spirits. Some say never ever humiliate a child by spanking him/her, others say a spanking now and again is sometimes all that is needed to open up those little ears…so the conundrum of this situation is apparent.
Temper Tantrums
It is during the toddler stage that children really start developing a will of their own. They want to do things themselves and they want to do it their way. And this is a necessary stage to go, through! As is every other life stage. This, however, sets the stage perfectly for power struggles to occur, and power struggles lead to frustration, which in turn leads to a temper tantrum.
Ek, My Tyd en My Huwelik
Teen die tyd dat jy almal; uiteindelik; in die kar het en vasgegordel het... vir die tweede keer - want een van hulle het 'n kosblik of 'n boek in die huis vergeet - het jy letterlik 10 minute om die oudste by die skool te kry. Jy jaag by die hek uit en besef - jy het nooit eens jou man behoorlik gegroet nie, so jy waai maar 'n soentjie so in die verbyry. Ek hoef niemand te oortuig daarvan dat ons 'n gejaagde en 'n uiters oorlaaide lewe lei nie. Die middae is nie veel beter nie. As jy geseënd genoeg is om in die middae by jou kinders te wees, is dit taxi speel na al die buitemuurse aktiwiteite toe, dis huiswerk nagaan en kosblikke pak, dis aandete voorberei, kinders gebad kry, en tussendeur nog al die huistakies en aankope en werksgoete wat gedoen moet word.
Vrygewigheid in die huwelik
Wanneer ek vrygewig optree, beteken dit ek kan die ander persoon se behoeftes raaksien en ek het n begeerte om in daardie behoeftes te voorsien. Wanneer ek vrygewig optree, beteken dit ek kan my maat eerste stel wanneer dit nodig is. Ek kan probleem areas herdefinieer as eksterne faktore tot ons huwelik; maw ek en jy teen "te min tyd saam" in teenstelling met "jy wat neul en kla en my probeer vasdruk"