Understanding Love Languages in Relationships and Family Dynamics
The Five Love Languages are categorised as acts of service, quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation and gift receiving. We each have a primary love language, which represents our preferred way of experiencing and expressing love. It is important to understand that everyone has a unique love language combination and that this can vary between individuals and relationships.
The True Pandemic: Silent Voices in Mental Health
Why do we downplay the fact that men also struggle with their mental health? Or is it because we are so accustomed to men being strong leaders and role models, being tough and not showing any emotion, because ‘boys don’t cry’, right? Why do we put so much emphasis on mental health being something that only women experience, meanwhile men are suffering in silence.
Get to know your inner child and unlock your potential for deep self-love and emotional freedom.
To achieve emotional and psychological well-being, some therapeutic philosophies view the inner child as a distinct element of the self that needs to be recognized, loved, and healed.
Self-Care – What it takes to be your best self
We have all heard the saying... "You can't pour from an empty cup", but how many of us actually follow the process of filling up our own cups? In order to be our best for ourselves and for those whom we interact with, self-care is of the utmost importance.
Boundaries – What you should know
A boundary is the rules and limits that you create within various relationships and contexts. These are a list of things that you either accept or don’t, to help you create relationships where you feel respect and comfort. To create boundaries, you will have to explore and know your values. Your values are the key guide to creating boundaries so it is imperative to know your core values before embarking on this journey.
Vulnerability – the way of the whole-hearted
Vulnerability is the ability to expose our innermost selves, revealing our fears, doubts, insecurities, and weaknesses to others.
Marriages and Relationships Can Work – Part 7: Grow Up!
Conflict in a relationship is a given. Managing the conflict constructively requires the willingness to do so as well as having patience and the skill to do so. To address conflict constructively requires for us to focus on the issue, not myself or my partner.
Motivation and Effort
The 34th President of the US, Dwight D Eisenhower, once said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” Motivation is an internal energy force that influences all elements of our behaviour, as well as how we think, feel, and interact with others. High motivation is usually considered a necessary condition for players to reach their full potential in sports.
Social anxiety
Having social anxiety is becoming more and more prevalent amongst our youth. This can be contributed to the fact that there is so much more pressure to be included; to belong and to fit into a specific mould. A mould created by unrealistic ideals on social media and society’s high expectations for success. The added anxiety to excel not just academically but socially, is becoming one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety conditions amongst our youth.
Anticipatory Grief
Most of us know what it feels like to lose a loved one to a terminal illness. Grief is unpredictable and loss can feel like white noise or earth-shattering pain. Living with a parent, partner or child diagnosed with a terminal illness literally rips the ground from beneath our feet. Knowing how, but not how much longer, can take us on a journey of acceptance, denial, depression, indescribable fear and complete dissociation from the current reality. Loss, no matter the circumstances, is life altering.