

Marriages and Relationships Can Work – Part 6: Building The Relationship

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Working at our relationship in my opinion is a balance of give and take, a balance between having our needs met and being selfless. We will at times feel vulnerable and at other times need to be strong. We will at times be wrong, and at times make correct decisions. It is about shifting our focus from “I” to “us”.

Marriages and Relationships can work – Communication 2

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In assisting couples with communication, we explore their “love language”, skills in expressing themselves more constructively as well as ways to deal with conflict. Once you recognize the conflict pattern you're stuck in, you can begin to learn the skills needed to change it. Communication can be easy and effective, let’s not complicate it.

Marriages and Relationship can work – Part 4: Communication

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We have two ears and one mouth. This is no coincidence. We usually avoid difficult conversations when we feel good, but when we are stressed or tired, we deliberately or unintentionally let slip what is deep inside because we can’t keep it in. Marital communication helps us to connect with each other emotionally, but how is the right way to go about it?

Marriages and Relationships can work – Part 2: Partnership

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Partnership describes the functionality of our relationship. A marriage partnership does not bluntly imply the “terms and conditions” of our relationship, and although, like in business, we may be bound by a verbal or written agreement and follow similar principles, relationships refer to the guidelines we follow on a day-to-day basis.

Can Marriages and Relationships work?

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All of us are unique. Therefore, every couple is different. And so are our relationships. There is no one-size-fits-all magic formula for “living happily ever after”. Marriage requires commitment, effort, and sacrifice. Marriage and relationships can and do work, despite the overwhelming reports of divorce or breaking up and its implications on our social and emotional well-being. The issue at stake is not the marriage or relationship. The issue is whether we as individuals have what it takes, or at least try to contribute towards developing and sustaining a meaningful partnership, making this work. And when we struggle, are we willing to seek support or guidance?

Grief Beyond Grief: A Dive into Secondary Loss

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. In our lives, a loss, such as the death of a loved one, serves as the pebble in our pond. When we lose something or someone significant to us, the grieving process does not end with the mourning of that singular loss. Rather, the singular loss triggers a chain of events known as secondary losses, which often cause us to feel as if we've lost everything and that the sorrow will never end.

4 Tips to Help Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Teenager

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Both parent and teen are experiencing change within the relationship during this time. Many parents wonder during these years whether or not they are ‘a good parent’. Rest assured that, although the relationship dynamics are changing, they don’t need you any less than when they were little, they just need you differently.

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