5 tips on how to assist your high school teenager this year
High School is definitely not for the faint of heart. After an amazing holiday of sleeping in, being lazy and relaxed, having unlimited access to Netflix and computer games, going back to school is the ultimate dopamine killer! Most teenagers do however, look forward to seeing their friends, meeting their new teachers and taking part in their sport, arts and academic activities again.
Better Together: The Benefits of Group Therapy
Let's be honest, deciding to see a therapist is not something that comes easily to everyone. To truly benefit from the process, one must be willing to be honest and completely open with their therapist as well as themselves. As a result, you will often find yourself revealing things about your experiences and your thoughts that you would not normally share with your friends or family, let alone a complete stranger.
Holding the Space – The Blind Car Guard
Imagine if you will, your counsellor as a blind car guard. He is an old man, with the years lined on his face. Even though he cannot see into your soul, he had the clearest and brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
The “other losses” we are enduring in the pandemic
We have been living in a changed world for nearly 2 years. The Covid-19 pandemic has been around for 2 years and has changed our lives in many ways. During this pandemic, we have suffered major losses such as the loss of family and friends, however, we have also suffered a wave of other losses.
Can I Legally Counsel Clients In South Africa Without HPCSA Registration?
There is a common misperception among psychology graduates, that they can do absolutely nothing with an honours degree in psychology - nothing but apply for Masters and pray for the best. So when they then come across something like the Humanitas Counselling Course information, it is completely understandable that many are sceptic and that both legal and ethical concerns are raised.
When innocence is stolen
TRIGGER WARNING: CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE | Sexual abuse victimizes a person, and the partner can play a crucial role in the recovery and healing process of the abused. The love and support of a partner, friends, and family, can encourage the process of healing. It is crucial for those surrounding the abused, to understand the mixed signals they convey daily. The abused can; in many instances, turn to their loved ones for help, but in the wink of an eye, turn against them.
Teenagers and Suicide
During the past 3 weeks we have read in the news of many teenagers in schools who have committed suicide. Covid is affecting our teenagers very negatively, working with teens every day; I evidently see the effects it has on our teens. Our teenagers are struggling.
Understanding Some Of The Common Symptoms Of Trauma
Different people react differently to traumatic experiences and also deal with these situations differently. For some, an event might cause a lot of emotional turmoil, and intervention is needed for that person to start their way on the road to recovery. For others, that same event might only cause minor frustrations and they can easily move on with their lives.
Taming the toddler tantrum in PUBLIC!
Anybody with a 3-year-old has experienced these ever popular, ground-breaking, earth-please-suck-me-in moments in public. As a matter of fact, you’d be struggling to find a parent who hasn’t had at least one embarrassing tale to tell when it comes to their little one breaking down in the middle of a crowded place. So take comfort in knowing that you are most certainly not alone. Here are some ways to tame that toddler tantrum.
11 Things that will help you hold the space for someone
Everyone in our lives can need a caring, non-judgmental, and empathetic room at some point in their lives. When the time comes, the relationship you already have will serve as a basis for constructing this "container" in which you keep space for the other individual. If you accept the challenge, your desire to be of service to the other person will be the first building block for holding that sacred space.