The “perfect parent”
Does being a good mom mean that you pack the perfect lunch box, does it mean that you serve on all the “mommy committee’s” available, does it mean that you never miss a cricket or tennis match or does it mean that your house is always tidy and you’re children are excelling in academics or sport activities?? Unfortunately to some extent these are the measures you’re being “judged” on if you are a parent in the year 2020 and for a lot of mommies this makes sense. We live in a world that is performance based, that is, if you do not excel in something you are seen as a failure.
Paastyd is opoffer-tyd; is jy ‘n Noag?
Alhoewel Noag se naam nou nog oor vertel word en in die Woord van God vir ewig staan, dink ek nie dit was 5 ster nie. Definitief nie gemaklik nie, hy moes sy gemak opoffer. In Romeine 5 staan daar: “Ons verheug ons ook in die swaarkry, want ons weet: swaarky kweek volharding en volharding kweek egtheid van geloof en egtheid van geloof kweek hoop”
Help! My Child is biting others
The act of biting amongst children under the age of 3, is the child’s way of expressing frustration and anger. Children of this age and under do not have the vocabulary to express their anger and frustration so they act it out.
A child with depression
One of the biggest symptoms to look out for is a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure.
Separation anxiety – How do I drop my toddler off at preschool?
Most importantly: keep yourself calm and controlled! A child looks at his/her parent's reaction to determine the degree of threat. If he/she sees that you are clearly upset, emotional and crying, he/she will respond accordingly. Try to stay calm, relaxed and friendly when you and your child separate, it will automatically make him/her feel more calm and safe.
Help! My kind gaan graad 1 toe
Hier is ‘n paar wenke vir mamma en pappa om te help sodat hierdie dag, waar die fotos op facebook gaan pryk, ‘n bietjie makliker kan wees op die hartsnare.
The Gestalt Play Therapy Process
Play therapy is defined as a psycho-therapeutic technique whereby the therapist attempts to give the child the opportunity to express his or her feelings verbally and non-verbally. Simply put, a therapist attempts to create a safe environment for a child to express their feelings, through ways that are understandable to a child.
Matriekskryf is nie kinderspeletjies nie
‘n Mens kan een van hoofsaaklik twee situasies in jou huis hê. Alle matrikulante is; hoe sal ‘n mens sê, nie so leergierig as die ander nie… terwyl ander dag en nag studeer. Tot so ‘n mate dat die hele gesin naderhand gespanne is. Wanneer ‘n mens ‘n paar jaar later terugkyk, giggel jy in jou mou, maar defnitief nie terwyl dit aan die gebeur is nie.
Kersfees of Knersfees?
Wees dus realisties oor wat om te verwag. As jy weet soos wat jy weet soos wat jy weet daar gaan ‘n geveg losbreek oor die kleinkinders se speelgoed wat oral rond lê, berei jouself voor hoe jy gaan reageer as dit wel gebeur! Deurdink moontlike konflik situasies vooraf en dink na oor hoe jy dit gaan hanteer.
4 steps to setting healthy boundaries
At the end of the day if I want to gain my self-respect, self-worth and independence back it is important for me to establish boundaries and enforce them. It is healthier to set boundaries than it is to put up walls or constantly be resentful towards others for taking advantage of me. It is my responsibility to teach others to respect me and my boundaries and to be patient with myself while doing this.