
About Ilanie Moller

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This thing called Fear

By |2020-04-07T15:24:38+02:00April 7th, 2020|

If your thoughts are running around all over the place we lose sight of the Word and the Truth of God so easily.  You have to train your mind, through praise and worship, reading His word and praying daily.  You have to wash your thoughts (not just your hands) with His Word and His Voice. I have 5 points that you can read through if you are overcome by fear today, whether it is because of this virus or your children, your health, your finances…whatever might cause you to feel fear and anxiety.

Paastyd is opoffer-tyd; is jy ‘n Noag?

By |2020-03-11T11:15:48+02:00March 11th, 2020|

Alhoewel Noag se naam nou nog oor vertel word en in die Woord van God vir ewig staan, dink ek nie dit was 5 ster nie. Definitief nie gemaklik nie, hy moes sy gemak opoffer. In Romeine 5 staan daar: “Ons verheug ons ook in die swaarkry, want ons weet: swaarky kweek volharding en volharding kweek egtheid van geloof en egtheid van geloof kweek hoop”

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