
Cultivating Inner Calm: The Practical Application of Mindfulness

By |2025-02-28T11:24:17+02:00February 28th, 2025|

This article discusses mindfulness, its benefits for stress reduction, emotional regulation, and focus, along with practical techniques like breath awareness, body scans, mindful walking, and eating. It highlights the importance of integrating mindfulness into daily life for overall well-being, supported by research.

Social anxiety 

By |2022-10-10T06:44:50+02:00September 6th, 2022|

Having social anxiety is becoming more and more prevalent amongst our youth. This can be contributed to the fact that there is so much more pressure to be included; to belong and to fit into a specific mould. A mould created by unrealistic ideals on social media and society’s high expectations for success. The added anxiety to excel not just academically but socially, is becoming one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety conditions amongst our youth.

Anxiety – Fighting The Monsters Of Our Day

By |2022-06-22T09:58:06+02:00June 5th, 2021|

Anxiety, Fear, Worry and Concern. Hopelessness, Loneliness and Isolation. Distrust and Paranoia... These are just some of the monsters who have taken up, what often feels like, permanent residency in many of our homes and communities. In a series of articles, I would like to address some of these monsters, one by one, so that we can actively start evicting them from our mental and emotional homes. It won’t be easy, and some of them are persistent little buggers, who will fight us tooth and nail to maintain control and power. But we are stronger, we will persevere, and we will do what it takes to stay true to the course on this journey to emotional and mental wellness.

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