
Sleep, Independence, and School Success: Why Independent Sleeping and Self-Regulation Matter for Young Learners

By |2025-02-20T13:18:36+02:00February 20th, 2025|

Independent sleep fosters emotional resilience, cognitive growth, and school readiness. Quality sleep enhances learning and self-regulation, while dependence on external cues can hinder development. By establishing routines and self-soothing techniques, parents can help children sleep independently, building confidence for school and life.

The Importance of Attachment – a must read for every parent

By |2019-05-02T19:05:22+02:00May 3rd, 2018|

By making sure that you have a secure attachment with your child, you will help him learn that he is okay, worthy and good enough (at the very least). That you as his parents are trustworthy and that the world is a safe place that can be explored confidently. Most importantly, not only will you be giving your child a head start in life personally, but also interpersonally; when it comes to all his future relationships.

What is attachment?

By |2019-05-02T19:13:22+02:00August 12th, 2015|

Attachment forms during the first couple of years of a child’s life. A parent or caregiver’s emotional availability for the child from the day of birth is extremely important. Attachment forms when a caregiver is sensitive to needs of the child and reacts to these needs appropriately. The first four years of a toddlers life is viewed as the fundamental time when attachment forms. The manner in how the parent or caregiver communicates with the child on both a verbal and non-verbal manner has a significant impact on how the child will view the world. The type of attachment that your child will develop, will affect the attachment (whether secure of insecure) your child will have, not only with you, but also with their peers and others they will meet on their journey in this world. Parents or caregivers are the main players in a child’s life and will often determine whether a child develops a secure or an insecure attachment.

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