Counselling Services

Managing Life With Multiple Jobs/ Employment

By |2025-02-20T13:11:05+02:00February 20th, 2025|

Balancing multiple jobs is a reality for many South Africans, but it often comes at the cost of mental and physical well-being. Juggling different roles can lead to exhaustion, stress, and work-life imbalance. Research shows that job overload and work-family conflict negatively impact overall health and performance. To navigate this, setting firm boundaries, prioritising self-care, and seeking support are essential. Small, mindful adjustments can help prevent burnout and create a more sustainable routine. If the pressure becomes overwhelming, reaching out for professional guidance can make all the difference.

Grief Beyond Grief: A Dive into Secondary Loss

By |2023-05-15T13:52:33+02:00January 25th, 2022|

. In our lives, a loss, such as the death of a loved one, serves as the pebble in our pond. When we lose something or someone significant to us, the grieving process does not end with the mourning of that singular loss. Rather, the singular loss triggers a chain of events known as secondary losses, which often cause us to feel as if we've lost everything and that the sorrow will never end.

Better Together: The Benefits of Group Therapy

By |2023-05-15T13:53:09+02:00December 15th, 2021|

Let's be honest, deciding to see a therapist is not something that comes easily to everyone. To truly benefit from the process, one must be willing to be honest and completely open with their therapist as well as themselves. As a result, you will often find yourself revealing things about your experiences and your thoughts that you would not normally share with your friends or family, let alone a complete stranger.

EMOTIONAL MATURITY: What it looks like & how to work on it

By |2021-02-16T11:45:52+02:00February 16th, 2021|

We are currently living in ever-changing times and emotional maturity might be just be one of the things that will keep us sane. Emotional maturity consists of two components, firstly your ability to understand and identify your emotion and being honest about your feelings. Secondly being able to manage that emotion no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Emotional maturity are the little golden nuggets of life.

The importance of counselling

By |2021-01-07T15:14:01+02:00January 7th, 2021|

I often get asked the question "Why should I go to counselling" as if there is a textbook, one size fits all answer. There is no straightforward way to sum up the importance of counselling, because in my eyes the benefits of counselling is personal in nature and therefore, infinite.

Hold that space!

By |2021-01-07T10:11:26+02:00November 23rd, 2020|

There is nothing I have so keenly needed on my own journey than someone just sitting down with me in the mud; in the hurt and in the breaking. There has been nothing so comforting and endearing as someone just really seeing me. Acknowledging me, my feelings, my thoughts and my behaviours. Being so attuned to my every movement in that moment that I feel overwhelmingly heard and understood.

From the counsellor’s couch

By |2020-12-03T19:33:29+02:00November 23rd, 2020|

Admitting to yourself that you need professional help can be quite daunting.  After you have finally plucked up the courage to make the appointment, you might find yourself wondering about – even researching – the person that is about to hear your life story.  Can you really trust them?  How much should you say?  Are they really all a little crazy? – I mean they chose a profession where they listen to people’s problems all day!!  Will he / she be analysing me the whole time?

Legal information that every practitioner working with children should be aware of

By |2020-08-20T10:24:24+02:00August 19th, 2020|

In this article, we answer some pressing questions with regards to what the law says about various child-related issues that may pop up in your practice. Parental consent, best interest of the child and limitations of confidentiality are discussed. We also, very briefly touch on how to safeguard yourself when it comes to payments of your sessions.

What is the goal of counselling?

By |2024-12-23T22:53:56+02:00March 16th, 2020|

It is heartbreaking that many people judge the psychology world by the picture that Hollywood has painted for us. In countless movies the psychologist is portrayed as a know-it-all guru who traps people in an extended, dependency driven relationship. There is a big fluffy couch where the patient will lie down and share their story, while the distracted ‘shrink’ continuously asks “how do you feel about that” and bluntly stops the session the moment time is up. In many movies the client never resolves issues and is just told to come back next week. In light of this I am overjoyed to tell you that most counsellors sees this portrayed image and goes out of their way to break and correct this view of the counselling world.

My Child is Gay, What did I do Wrong?

By |2019-09-28T19:17:37+02:00September 24th, 2019|

So your child comes to you and tells you he is gay or she is lesbian. You feel that the earth has dropped out from under your feet. You look at them and try to read their faces. A million questions go through your mind. You look at them and wait, are they joking? Your mind screams, “Please just laugh and say I’m only joking”. It does not come. You realise this is real. You feel for a moment you’re in a Mexican standoff.

How on earth do I keep all the balls in the air? When motherhood becomes just too much.

By |2019-08-10T13:58:23+02:00June 20th, 2019|

Oh, but the TIREDNESS. I will never forget. Never ever, ever, ever!! It lasted for 18 years (sorry my dearest sisters). One night I woke up and I couldn’t find my sweetheart last born - oh my freak! She was lying on the carpet! What was happening to me? How did she land there? Was I going to be arrested for child abuse? I could just see the headlines: “Social worker abandons newborn on floor”.

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