
Cultivating Inner Calm: The Practical Application of Mindfulness

By |2025-02-28T11:24:17+02:00February 28th, 2025|

This article discusses mindfulness, its benefits for stress reduction, emotional regulation, and focus, along with practical techniques like breath awareness, body scans, mindful walking, and eating. It highlights the importance of integrating mindfulness into daily life for overall well-being, supported by research.

Teenagers and Suicide

By |2021-06-15T09:44:11+02:00June 15th, 2021|

During the past 3 weeks we have read in the news of many teenagers in schools who have committed suicide. Covid is affecting our teenagers very negatively, working with teens every day; I evidently see the effects it has on our teens. Our teenagers are struggling.

How on earth do I keep all the balls in the air? When motherhood becomes just too much.

By |2019-08-10T13:58:23+02:00June 20th, 2019|

Oh, but the TIREDNESS. I will never forget. Never ever, ever, ever!! It lasted for 18 years (sorry my dearest sisters). One night I woke up and I couldn’t find my sweetheart last born - oh my freak! She was lying on the carpet! What was happening to me? How did she land there? Was I going to be arrested for child abuse? I could just see the headlines: “Social worker abandons newborn on floor”.

Help! My kind wil nie meer lewe nie!

By |2019-07-07T12:48:58+02:00May 5th, 2019|

Dit is iets wat ek geen ouer toewens nie. Ons as ouers wil tog die beste vir ons kinders hê, ons wil hê dat hul gelukkig moet wees en moet uitsien na ‘n rooskleurige toekoms waarin hulle hul drome kan verwesenlik. Die realiteit is egter dat baie kinders voel asof hul nie meer wil lewe nie en dink daaraan om selfmoord te pleeg – ten spyte van ouers se beste poging om hul kinders gelukkig te hou.

Bipolar disorder – the reality of living with this lonely disorder

By |2019-05-02T19:14:16+02:00November 6th, 2015|

“In the mirror I see a creature that I must unwillingly share my mind and heart with. I feel alone in a world filled with people, and yet it all seems silent and meaningless. Some days I feel like I can conquer the world, some days I can’t even find the courage to get up and get dressed. I feel like I’m in a constant state of confusion, a constant rollercoaster ride that never ends. The people close to me feel very far away…they don’t understand. Yet I don’t want them to. I don’t want others to feel the way that I do, to live with the monster that I have become. Will I ever get better? Is there any hope in a world that judges you as weak and crazy, a world that seems cold and dark… I just don’t know. Sometimes I just want to be alone, hiding from the world, yet the loneliness can be unbearable.”

Post-Partum Depression (Part 1)

By |2019-05-02T19:14:37+02:00August 12th, 2015|

Most people expect the arrival of a new baby as a happy event, a blessing and in most cases that is true. But as a new mom having a baby comes with some fears and this can cause some anxiety that moms either deny or they don’t talk about. Moms might go through a short period of anxiety and tearfulness which is known as “the baby blues”. These feelings usually go away within about two weeks. If however moms develop a more intense and deeper depression, this is known as post-partum depression.  

Wat is Seisoenale Depressie?

By |2019-05-02T19:19:00+02:00April 12th, 2015|

Seisoenale depressie is 'n algemene gemoedstoestand waarmee baie mense sukkel. Die toestand word veral in die winter maande ervaar. Mense met seisoenale depressie vind dit moeilk om te funksioneer op die vlak waaraan hulle gewoond is. 

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