Marriage Counselling

Can A Relationship Recover After An Affair?

By |2025-02-14T16:05:42+02:00February 14th, 2025|

Recovering from infidelity is never a simple yes-or-no decision. While some experts believe in walking away, others argue that healing is possible—if both partners commit to rebuilding the relationship. Key factors include ending the affair, acknowledging the pain inflicted, and ensuring that infidelity was not used to cause harm. This article explores when a relationship can be salvaged, when it may be better to leave, and the complexities of the healing process.

Marriages and Relationships can work – Communication 2

By |2022-08-01T15:32:18+02:00July 18th, 2022|

In assisting couples with communication, we explore their “love language”, skills in expressing themselves more constructively as well as ways to deal with conflict. Once you recognize the conflict pattern you're stuck in, you can begin to learn the skills needed to change it. Communication can be easy and effective, let’s not complicate it.

Marriages and Relationship can work – Part 4: Communication

By |2022-07-04T11:00:16+02:00July 4th, 2022|

We have two ears and one mouth. This is no coincidence. We usually avoid difficult conversations when we feel good, but when we are stressed or tired, we deliberately or unintentionally let slip what is deep inside because we can’t keep it in. Marital communication helps us to connect with each other emotionally, but how is the right way to go about it?

Can Marriages and Relationships work?

By |2022-06-27T13:07:58+02:00May 23rd, 2022|

All of us are unique. Therefore, every couple is different. And so are our relationships. There is no one-size-fits-all magic formula for “living happily ever after”. Marriage requires commitment, effort, and sacrifice. Marriage and relationships can and do work, despite the overwhelming reports of divorce or breaking up and its implications on our social and emotional well-being. The issue at stake is not the marriage or relationship. The issue is whether we as individuals have what it takes, or at least try to contribute towards developing and sustaining a meaningful partnership, making this work. And when we struggle, are we willing to seek support or guidance?

How on earth do I keep all the balls in the air? When motherhood becomes just too much.

By |2019-08-10T13:58:23+02:00June 20th, 2019|

Oh, but the TIREDNESS. I will never forget. Never ever, ever, ever!! It lasted for 18 years (sorry my dearest sisters). One night I woke up and I couldn’t find my sweetheart last born - oh my freak! She was lying on the carpet! What was happening to me? How did she land there? Was I going to be arrested for child abuse? I could just see the headlines: “Social worker abandons newborn on floor”.

Italiaanse Romanse in jou verhouding

By |2019-07-07T12:58:24+02:00November 12th, 2018|

Anri raai paartjies aan om ‘n bietjie bewus te raak van al die klein, alledaagse dingetjies wat hul verhouding uniek maak en om te kies om dit waardevol te ag. ‘n Groot bos rooi rose sal enige meisie se hart laat smelt, maar die klein dingetjies soos koffie in die bed of sagte soentjies op jou voorkop, iemand wat aandagtig na jou luister terwyl hy/sy jou in die oë kyk terwyl jy praat…dis hierdie dinge wat ‘n gevoel van veiligheid en geliefdheid bring. Moet ook nie terughou om jou partner so te bederf nie

Relationships: What is the difference between secrecy and privacy?

By |2024-12-23T22:40:42+02:00September 10th, 2018|

"Everyone has the right to privacy" is a statement that I often hear in relationship counselling. These types of defensive statements often arise in situations where one partner is trying to justify keeping things from another. And, of course; this statement isn't false - every individual does have the right to privacy... but is there a difference between privacy and secrecy?

Navigate your relationships: Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road!

By |2019-05-02T18:57:05+02:00September 9th, 2018|

How much time do you actually invest in this relationship? No one needs to explain to anyone these days how busy life has gotten, and I get that. But what are we actually filling our days with? How many instances in your day to day life, has someone you desperately care for, asked for your attention, where you “had your hands full”?

Verhoudings verg harde werk

By |2020-01-07T13:03:07+02:00February 19th, 2018|

‘n Verhouding bestaan uit twee diverse indivdue. Elkeen het ‘n unieke stel verwagtinge, unieke lewensuitkyke, unieke behoeftes en agtergronde. My idee van “hoe ‘n vrou behoort te wees en hoe ‘n man behoort te wees” word beinvloed deur my agtergrond, my voorbeelde, my keuses en my ervaringsleer. Al trou twee mense van baie enerse agtergronde met mekaar, is die klein verskille wat daar wel bestaan, steeds meer as voldoende om groot probleme te kan veroorsaak. En nou plaas ons hierdie twee, unieke mense onder een dak en ons sê “wees nou gelukkig” – dit is nie net so eenvoudig nie.

Hoe om meer romanties te wees

By |2019-07-07T13:01:29+02:00February 12th, 2018|


Geen twee mense is presies dieselfde nie en daarom is dit ook so dat wat jy as romanties beskou, dalk mag verskil van wat jou vriendin as romanties ag. Dieselfde geld ook vir die verskille in behoeftes en verwagtinge van verskillende verhoudings/paartjies. Ek glo vas dat elke paartjie oor tyd hul eie romanse-definisie vir hul verhouding kan saamstel.


Ons huwelik en die verskillende fases van die lewe

By |2019-07-07T13:03:18+02:00June 14th, 2017|

Nie net dit nie, maar ons word bombardeer met Facebook-verhoudings. Foto’s van heerlike vakansies, lekker oomblikke saam, oë wat blink en brëe, gelukkige glimlagte, vul sosiale media op ‘n uurlikse basis. Hierdie bombardering skep by meeste mense ‘n totale vals persepsie van hoe huwelike werk en hoe “gelukkig” almal om hulle is. Daar is ‘n algemene tendens tussen meeste mense om hulself, hul verhoudinge en hul lewens te vergelyk met die brokkies inligiting en gedokterde foto’s op sosiale media. Die afleiding of gevolgtrekking wat dan hier gemaak word is dat daar fout is met hulle as paartjie. Die feit dat, dit ‘n split sekonde verg om ‘n foto te neem en dat meeste mense baie maklik, baie fake kan glimlag vir daardie split sekonde, word hoegenaamd nie in ag geneem nie; dis makliker om die valse prentjie wat geskep word as die waarheid te aanvaar.

Lies and my relationship

By |2019-05-02T19:09:58+02:00September 29th, 2016|

Healthy relationships are ones where trust is a very definite and present component between two people. Dishonesty, for whatever reason, has the ability to shatter this trust, which could completely destroy the emotional connection and -security in a relationship. Intentions and context are relevant aspects to take into consideration, and there could be scenarios that do not warrant reactions of certain magnitudes. Once trust has been broken in a relationship though, even smaller, seemingly unimportant things, could become very definite triggers of emotional insecurity and suspicion. Although there are certain instances where lies and withholding of information are warranted to a degree…

What are the signs that your marriage is in trouble?

By |2019-08-22T14:24:20+02:00April 28th, 2015|

In today's society we are bombarded with information and self-help books on how to have healthy relationships. Some of these books share their complicated views on what a relationship should and should not look like. The truth is that there is no universal law that states what the perfect relationship is because there is no such thing. We as people are different and so we want different things out of our relationships. Although all relationships are different there are some universal truths. Here are some signs that your relationship might be in trouble….

The importance of positive thinking in a relationship

By |2019-05-02T19:18:51+02:00April 26th, 2015|

I don't believe that the power of positive thoughts has the ability to trump all other factors in play. I don't for one moment believe that I can pass an exam, on the power of positive thinking alone for example – maybe I just don't get it. In my opinion; that’s pure stupidity…or wishful thinking at the very least.  I do however believe; with all my heart; that our thoughts very definitely can and do influence our emotions and our experiences; no doubt about that!

Tips for creating a successful marriage

By |2019-05-02T19:20:52+02:00March 3rd, 2015|

Being married and a mom of two, I have first-hand experience in how difficult it is to make time for you and your partner to just connect. One of the big challenges couples have is time. My advice to couples is to really try and get into the habit of having, at the very least, two hours a week for just the two of you – without the kids! And make sure that the time you spent together is worth it! That brings me to the next tip;

Why Premarital Counselling and what is discussed

By |2019-05-02T19:23:19+02:00February 5th, 2015|

During premarital counselling; we teach you a very practically applicable tool set or skill set, that you can use to navigate your relationship to the best of your ability.

So pre-marital counselling will help you discuss the things that could be issues in your relationship at one point or another – no such thing as the perfect relationship- and get you guys on the same page from the start.

Most of the couples we see; say that problems started slowly at around 2 years after marriage, and just increased as time went by. A big problem is our expectations of our partners and our marriage/relationship. We have this beautiful, perfect picture in our minds of what married life is going to be like, what our partners are going to be like, and as married life continues, reality starts intruding into this fantasy world and disappointment, confusion, doubt; all are plenty full.

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