
Separation anxiety – How do I drop my toddler off at preschool?

By |2020-01-08T18:38:47+02:00January 8th, 2020|

Most importantly: keep yourself calm and controlled! A child looks at his/her parent's reaction to determine the degree of threat. If he/she sees that you are clearly upset, emotional and crying, he/she will respond accordingly. Try to stay calm, relaxed and friendly when you and your child separate, it will automatically make him/her feel more calm and safe.

Matriekskryf is nie kinderspeletjies nie

By |2019-12-21T06:06:07+02:00December 16th, 2019|

‘n Mens kan een van hoofsaaklik twee situasies in jou huis hê. Alle matrikulante is; hoe sal ‘n mens sê, nie so leergierig as die ander nie… terwyl ander dag en nag studeer. Tot so ‘n mate dat die hele gesin naderhand gespanne is. Wanneer ‘n mens ‘n paar jaar later terugkyk, giggel jy in jou mou, maar defnitief nie terwyl dit aan die gebeur is nie.

My shame to an adventure of a lifetime – an article on Guilt and Shame

By |2019-11-12T08:17:36+02:00November 11th, 2019|

This shame and guilt led me to question everything in my life and led me to being more vulnerable to myself and to others. Brene Brown states; “The ability to hold something we've done or failed to do up against who we want to be is incredibly adaptive. It's uncomfortable but it's adaptive.”

My Child is Gay, What did I do Wrong?

By |2019-09-28T19:17:37+02:00September 24th, 2019|

So your child comes to you and tells you he is gay or she is lesbian. You feel that the earth has dropped out from under your feet. You look at them and try to read their faces. A million questions go through your mind. You look at them and wait, are they joking? Your mind screams, “Please just laugh and say I’m only joking”. It does not come. You realise this is real. You feel for a moment you’re in a Mexican standoff.

Children and Social Media

By |2019-09-24T16:49:03+02:00August 4th, 2019|

Your child cannot see the person at the other end of the computer. There is no way for children to know who they are talking to. The paedophile will start an innocent conversation with your child. They are very good at posing as young children and are up to date with what children like, are interested in and the latest trends. At first, the questions will be innocent and seemingly harmless.

The valuable role grandparents play in a child’s life

By |2019-08-01T20:47:19+02:00August 1st, 2019|

My husband and I are in the fortunate position where both our parents are alive and involved in our child’s life. Although they live far away, we ensure that they visit us regularly or we try to visit them as often as possible. Whenever I see our little one interacting with her grandparents I am in awe of the total bliss and delight both parties experience. It made me realize just how important this intergenerational relationship is and how much everyone involved can benefit from it.

How on earth do I keep all the balls in the air? When motherhood becomes just too much.

By |2019-08-10T13:58:23+02:00June 20th, 2019|

Oh, but the TIREDNESS. I will never forget. Never ever, ever, ever!! It lasted for 18 years (sorry my dearest sisters). One night I woke up and I couldn’t find my sweetheart last born - oh my freak! She was lying on the carpet! What was happening to me? How did she land there? Was I going to be arrested for child abuse? I could just see the headlines: “Social worker abandons newborn on floor”.

Parents; do you speak love?

By |2019-05-02T18:59:21+02:00February 11th, 2019|

It is well known that no two children are the same, not even when from the same parents. The same is true for the love language of your child. Every child perceive, understand and show love in different ways. What is important for one child, may not even be noticed by another child. And that is exactly where miscommunication and misunderstanding easily happens. 

Jou kind se emosionele behoeftes – en die grootste hiervan is die LIEFDE

By |2019-07-07T12:53:58+02:00February 11th, 2019|

Mia Keller Pringle het in 1996 kinders se 5 basiese emosionele behoeftes omsrkyf waarvan LIEFDE volgens my die belangrikste is. 'n Kind wat onvoorwaardelike liefde ervaar, reeds vanaf voor geboorte af, het 'n emosionele voorsprong op alle vlakke, want kyk as jy weet jy is geliefd by die huis kan die lewe maar kom - ek het 'n vangnet wat vir my die nodige selfvertroue gee om alle uitdagings te hanteer. Hoe dra ons daardie soort liefde oor?

Tieners, Stress en Temperament

By |2019-07-07T12:54:51+02:00January 16th, 2019|

Alle mense het ‘n sekere vlak van stress of uitdagings nodig om optimaal te kan funksioneer. Sonder enige uitdagings gaan niemand hul volle potensiaal besef en bereik nie. Party kinders kan egter stress beter hanteer as ander. Spanning en angs kan ‘n destruktiewe effek op ‘n tiener se emosionele gesondheid hê en kan selfs lei to angs versteurings. Indien jy as ouer bekommerd is dat jou kind ‘n angs versteuring ontwikkel is dit beter om professionele hulp in te kry sodat hy of sy die regte hulp ontvang.

Skeidingsangs – Hoe gee ek my kleuter af by die skool?

By |2019-07-07T12:56:14+02:00January 8th, 2019|

Die belangrikste van alles: hou jouself kalm en beheerd! ‘n Kind kyk na sy ouer se reaksie om die mate van bedreiging te bepaal. As hy sien jy is duidelik omgekrap, emosioneel en huilerig, gaan hy ook so reageer. Probeer kalm, ontspanne en vriendelik bly wanneer jy en jou kind skei, dit sal hom automaties meer kalm en veilig laat voel.

Wat is Spelterapie?

By |2019-07-07T12:57:42+02:00November 24th, 2018|

Spel word gesien as die universiele taal van kinders, afgesien van etiese herkoms, agtergrond of sosio-ekonomiese geskiedenis. Spel oftewel “speel” word beskou as kinders se woorde, kinders gebruik spel in dieselfde manier as wat volwassenes woorde gebruik. Dikwels speel kinders hul probleme of emosies op ‘n simboliese manier uit, om sodoende hulself uit te druk.

Exam tips

By |2019-05-02T19:03:39+02:00November 12th, 2018|

One of the biggest mistakes we as parents can ever make, is making our children feel that our love for them and our acceptance of them depends on academic achievement. Your child needs to know that,no matter what, they are enough. It's so easy to compare our children with other kids and setting our expectations of them, based on other children's achievements and capabilities. Don't do this – every child differs and you need to help your child understand that his/her best really is good enough. Praise best effort, not high marks!

The Importance of Attachment – a must read for every parent

By |2019-05-02T19:05:22+02:00May 3rd, 2018|

By making sure that you have a secure attachment with your child, you will help him learn that he is okay, worthy and good enough (at the very least). That you as his parents are trustworthy and that the world is a safe place that can be explored confidently. Most importantly, not only will you be giving your child a head start in life personally, but also interpersonally; when it comes to all his future relationships.

Getting divorced; but what about the kids?

By |2019-05-02T19:05:42+02:00March 26th, 2018|

Once a partner (the divorce initiator) informs the other partner that he or she wants a divorce the first thing they do; or the first advice they receive, is to get themselves a lawyer who can take care of the situation. Whilst it is not wrong to get a lawyer to represent you, there are other options to keep in mind. Many people are not knowledgeable about the law, especially the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 which provides guidelines as to how to go about a divorce when children are involved.

My Tween, Puberteit en Seksvoorligting

By |2019-07-07T13:02:05+02:00November 13th, 2017|

Ongelukkig lewe ons in ‘n wereld waar ons en ons kinders op ‘n daaglikes basis gebombardeer word met dinge van ‘n seksuele aard. Dit word as’t ware op ‘n silwer skinkbord agter ons aangedra en na ons toe uitgehou; om elke hoek en draai. Ons word stelselmatig so gedesensitiseer daardeur, dat ons dit self dalk nie eens meer agterkom nie. 

The role grandparents play in a child’s life

By |2019-05-02T19:07:16+02:00October 7th, 2017|

Especially in the teen years, the last person a child might like to turn to is the parents, and here a grandparent could be a shoulder to cry on, and the comfort here for parents is that the person your child turns to is usually someone you trust with regards to morals and values. Also because grandparents tend to not be as busy and rushed as parents are now a days; it’s a great place to truly get some quality attention. In short it’s an additional safe place for your child to turn to.

Tuisbly ma of werkende ma?

By |2019-07-07T13:03:58+02:00April 30th, 2017|

Ek dink nie daar word net op huisvroue neergesien nie. Ek dink ons beweeg in ‘n tyd, waar die teenoorgestelde ook baie waar is. Sommige huisvroue sien maar net so neer op beroepsvroue.

Dit lê werklik swaar op my hart dat ons as vroue moet saamstaan. Dat ons moet ophou om mekaar sleg te maak, te kritiseer, te skinder en neer te kyk op mekaar. Elke vrou het haar eie paadjie wat sy stap, elke vrou het haar eie battles wat sy fight.

Why do a school readiness test?

By |2019-05-02T19:11:35+02:00October 22nd, 2015|

A psychological assessment of a young child’s readiness takes into consideration as many factors as possible that could impact on the child’s formative years and initial experiences of school. It is followed by a detailed background record, pre-school reports, parent interviews, and other collateral evidence which might assist the psychologist to get a full profile of the child.  

School readiness matters – in all grades and phases

By |2019-05-02T19:11:48+02:00October 20th, 2015|

We as parents are obligated to know that children’s developmental needs are different for each child and that children mature differently. Each child is an individual with specific talents and in some cases deficits. Your children are mostly writing exams at this time of the year. The report will be a good indicator of where support and guidance is needed. But we also need to remember that academia is but one part of the child’s growing up. Blaming the school for the child not progressing would be too simplistic, as we know, that school is but one factor that determines academic success. 

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