
What is attachment?

By |2019-05-02T19:13:22+02:00August 12th, 2015|

Attachment forms during the first couple of years of a child’s life. A parent or caregiver’s emotional availability for the child from the day of birth is extremely important. Attachment forms when a caregiver is sensitive to needs of the child and reacts to these needs appropriately. The first four years of a toddlers life is viewed as the fundamental time when attachment forms. The manner in how the parent or caregiver communicates with the child on both a verbal and non-verbal manner has a significant impact on how the child will view the world. The type of attachment that your child will develop, will affect the attachment (whether secure of insecure) your child will have, not only with you, but also with their peers and others they will meet on their journey in this world. Parents or caregivers are the main players in a child’s life and will often determine whether a child develops a secure or an insecure attachment.

Positive behavior: The difference between rewarding and bribing your child

By |2019-05-02T19:15:03+02:00May 24th, 2015|

I honestly think using rewards to change or enhance behaviors in children is an excellent and positive tool.  We often fall into the habit of focusing only on the misbehavior of our children, and then punishing them for that; either by taking away privileges, spanking, yelling, threatening and the problem here is that this negative focus on the child, very seldom has a long term effect in changing the behavior. 

Sibling Rivalry by Anri van den Berg

By |2019-05-02T19:15:24+02:00May 21st, 2015|

Between 18 months and 2 years old, for example, a child has a deep seated need to do things for him or herself, and if an older brother or sister, who wants to be a good helper and who wants to do everything for the younger one then comes and interferes, that could cause a lot of frustration-on both sides.
And so we can go through all the different stages of life and have a number of situations that could cause rivalry.

Jaag jou eie drome

By |2019-05-02T19:37:08+02:00April 28th, 2015|

“Moenie jou energie mors deur ‘n leun te lewe nie. Gebruik daardie energie om te kan verander wat jy kan en aanvaar die dinge wat jy nie kan verander nie. Wees wie jy gemaak is om te wees – want daardie persoon is uniek en wonderlik.”

Social Needs – Our need for interaction and contact with friends and family (Part one)

By |2019-06-01T13:14:37+02:00April 26th, 2015|

I would now like you to take a moment to think about your friends. What does the word friendship mean to you? How many friends do you have? Are they single or in relationships? Are you currently not spending time with friends, or are you still going out regularly? Do you go out as a couple or alone? You should also ask yourself whether your current friendships are life giving or life taking to your romantic relationship. If it’s not life giving you are going to have to change it. Make sure that you and your partner talk about your social needs.

Emotional Child Assessment: A valuable tool in understanding your children

By |2019-05-02T19:20:12+02:00March 24th, 2015|

The goal of an emotional child assessment is to get to know the child's view of his or her world, through play. The goal is not to analyse or to label your child but to create a holistic view of the child’s thoughts and feelings. Only when we understand the child's world, can we create the map to effective helping.

Can I spoil my child with love?

By |2019-05-02T19:20:34+02:00March 6th, 2015|

Although your child will have their own unique love language they need a little bit of all the five languages. Hold and kiss your child, tell them that you love them and that you are proud of them, spend time playing and being with them, help them with tasks and top it off with a nice little gift.

Invloed van maats op my kind

By |2019-05-02T19:21:09+02:00February 28th, 2015|

Die grootste gedeelte van sosialisering geskied gewoonlik by jou kind se skool waar hy met ander kinders in kontak tree. Met hierdie artikel wil ek graag praat oor jou kind se sosiale ontwikkeling en die belangrikheid van maats in jou kind se lewe.

The Value in Original Play

By |2019-05-02T19:21:28+02:00February 21st, 2015|

We are so busy, we are so focused and driven to provide for our children’s future that we forget that our biggest and easiest contribution to our kids is the love we give, right here and right now… 
And no; you are not too old for this; Original Play has no age guidelines – everyone can “Play”, regardless of your age. In Original Play, there are no human-imposed categories; such as male or female, big or small, young or old.

Help! I think my child is being abused!

By |2019-05-02T19:23:01+02:00February 16th, 2015|

A forensic investigation and assessment will assist your child to make a more comprehensive disclosure in a way that is safe for your child but that will also hold up to scrutiny if this information has to go to court. This professional will also be able to advise you about the next steps and procedures. It is a very difficult road but your child can get through this with your help emotional support and commitment to their well-being. 
At Vita Nova we have the expertise and the right services to guide you through it all.

Wat is die “ROL” van oupas en oumas in ‘n kind se lewe – kan ons die rol definieer?

By |2019-05-02T19:23:44+02:00January 22nd, 2015|

Elke familie bestaan uit n sisteem waar gedragsgewoontes en verhoudingspatrone al vir jare en generasies op n sekere manier funksioneer. Wat die een generasie leer word aan die volgende generasie oorgedra. Dit is dus baie moeilik om n baie spesifieke en beperkte rol vir oupas en oumas te definieer. Party families is emosioneel baie geheg aan mekaar en daar is patrone waar nabyheid en daaglikse hulp aan die orde van die dag is. Ander families of grootfamilies verkies weer meer afstand en fokus veral om elkeen spasie te gee om hom of haarself uit te leef. Dan kom die individuele faktore ook nog by waar elke familielid sy of haar persoonlikheid en styl van verhoudings handhaaf. 

Having the dreaded birds and bees conversation with your children

By |2019-07-07T11:53:53+02:00October 1st, 2013|

One of which is the dreaded birds and bees conversation. When I thought about why I'm dreading it so much, I realised that it's not really the conversation as such, but more the questions they are going to ask that will probably make me feel a little uncomfortable.

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